Founder’s Message

At Prachitee Experiential School, we believe that education is not just about imparting knowledge but about nurturing each student's unique potential and helping them grow into well-rounded individuals.

Our logo, which depicts a blossoming child, represents this belief. 

The ‘प्र of Prachitee is modelled into a tree to signify a strong foundation that we provide in Prachitee. It represents  the transformation that takes place when children are given the right environment and resources to thrive.

Prachitee is not just a school, it’s a community. 

We give children a place where they are accepted, respected, and valued for their contributions.

Our vision is to build a community of lifelong learners who are equipped with 21st-century skills and are prepared for the rapidly changing world. This vision is a result of several journeys, which led us down this path.

Our customized, well-organized, and constantly evolving curriculum is built on the concept of project-based experiential learning (PBEL) and crafted by us,  which allows children to engage in real-life problem-solving through hands-on exploration. 

We encourage you to explore our website to learn more about our school and our PBEL pedagogy. We are confident that you will see why Prachitee Experiential School is an ideal place to foster your child’s natural curiosity and promote their holistic growth. 

We invite you to visit our campus and experience first-hand the beautiful and brave beginnings that start here.

Welcome to our community!

We see each student as a unique individual with great potential, and we are committed to identifying their strengths and talents, and helping them channel their efforts towards what they are passionate about. We strive to create a community that not only values academic achievement but also promotes social and emotional growth. 

Our Curriculum is designed to engage children in deep, long-lasting learning that inspires a love of learning and fosters a personal connection to their real-life experiences. Our curriculum and teaching methodology emphasize flexibility and adaptability to ensure that our students are well-equipped to navigate the ever-changing demands of the world. 

We saw the need to create a community that would encourage real-life problem-solving through hands-on exploration by minimising direct instruction. First and foremost, we seek to create a stimulating, safe, and respectful environment for our students as we believe that providing them with the right environment and resources will shape them for the challenges of the real world.

We have a team of trained professionals who are dedicated to executing our comprehensive curriculum. They bring experience, creativity, intention, and meaning to their work in thoughtfully designed learning spaces. 

We are proud of our community of lifelong learners who are committed to building a better future for themselves and others.